Mission Statement

Northeastern University co-op students will utilize the resources provided by the YMCA (Wang/Hyde Park) and Sport in Society to establish sustainable programs and partnerships with Boston Youth organizations in an effort to increase the collective impact on middle school youth.

Friday, February 11, 2011

This Past Week.....

This may actually be the first post on this blog where I am not about to complain about Mother Nature ruining my work week. As the weather was frigid, but clear, Lucy and I made a great deal of progress this week. As the week began on Monday, Lucy and I sat down and spent a great deal of time preparing for our meeting with the Executive Director of ther Wang YMCA. When all of us met last week it seemed as though we all left the meeting with a great deal of unanswered questions and nagging concerns. As we prepared for the meeting, we made sure to clearly articulate our current and long-term goals for the Y in an effort to have us all get on the same page.

What was assumed to be a brief, concise meeting actually turned out to be a near two hour ordeal and it seemed as though we could have went another three if we weren't interupted. We entered the meeting with a more confident swagger as we both knew what we wanted to say and how we wanted to say it. When the meeting concluded it didn't seem as though we resolved everything but we definietly took steps in the right direction. We are working to make our future goals a reality, its a process that will begin with us and hopefully continue long after our departure.

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