Mission Statement

Northeastern University co-op students will utilize the resources provided by the YMCA (Wang/Hyde Park) and Sport in Society to establish sustainable programs and partnerships with Boston Youth organizations in an effort to increase the collective impact on middle school youth.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Busy Week

This has been an eventful week for me back at the office. With Sport in Society poised to make presentations (more details on what we are presenting will come in a later post) to multiple Major League Baseball teams at spring training, I was assigned the task of finding which teams held their spring training in Florida. In addition, I had to determine the location of their stadiums, and the distance to the nearest stadium. This was a fun project, and it cumulated in the creation of a map showing where all of the teams were located. One interesting I learned from this was that all of the teams are in a cluster south of Orlando and north of Miami. Also, the majority of teams are on or near the coast.

On Wednesday, Caitlin, Lucy, Kirsten and I went to Lawrence to attend a double dutch training session. For those unfamiliar with double dutch, it is the same as jump-roping, but with two ropes. This was an excellent experience, as we got to learn from some superb double dutch coaches and players. A team from the Mildred school in Mattapan was present, and their players had an impressive demonstration, showcasing the fancy moves that they obviously have been working very hard on. We then had the opportunity to try out double-dutch for ourselves. It was rather difficult, although we all had flashes of success.

Thursday was a very exciting day, as we had our quarterly retreat. Everyone in the office assembled at a restaurant in Wellesley to discuss the progress that we have made on our goals from the previous quarter, our plans for the next quarter, and how it all fits into our long-term strategic plan. Being a co-op, and a relatively new one at that, I lacked the knowledge to make any significant contributions to the discussion. However, it was still fascinating to hear about all of the projects that we have completed, are currently working on, or have planned for the future. It was also nice to hear updates from each staff member and co-op about what they have been doing lately.

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