Mission Statement

Northeastern University co-op students will utilize the resources provided by the YMCA (Wang/Hyde Park) and Sport in Society to establish sustainable programs and partnerships with Boston Youth organizations in an effort to increase the collective impact on middle school youth.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Teen Life Community Service Fair

On Sunday, I represented Sport in Society at the Teen Life Community Service Fair, which took place at the Chestnut Hill Mall in Newton. This event provided an excellent medium to inform people about the Sport in Society mission and community service opportunities, as well as establish connections with other non-profit organizations for Sport in Society to potentially partner with in the future.

The event was attended by a tremendous amount of people, as I was constantly approached at my table by people looking to learn more about Sport in Society. The vast majority of the attendees were high school students, or parents looking to find volunteering opportunities for their high school-aged children. The students that I talked to had a variety of interests that they are interested in pursuing volunteer opportunities in. Most were looking for summertime opportunities, as they are quite busy with school at the moment.

At the fair I met representatives from Brookline Quest, an organization dedicated to helping Brookline area children with special needs. Brookline Quest helps organize Special Olympics teams, and is generally dedicated to improving the physical fitness of their participants. Another organization that I talked to at the fair was Boston Greenfest. Boston Greenfest is an annual environmental festival put on by the Foundation for a Green Future. At this festival they have a section that is specifically for health and fitness, and they would like Sport in Society to contribute to this section at the upcoming festival in August.

Overall, I found the event to be a very rewarding experience. When describing Sport in Society to people, I made sure to stress the importance of the relationship's that we have developed with all of our incredible partners. Finding a plethora of potential volunteers, combined with meeting a pair of potential future partners made this event a great success.

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