Mission Statement

Northeastern University co-op students will utilize the resources provided by the YMCA (Wang/Hyde Park) and Sport in Society to establish sustainable programs and partnerships with Boston Youth organizations in an effort to increase the collective impact on middle school youth.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Monday!

It's the start of another week here at Sport in Society. Per usual, we checked in at the office this morning before going our separate ways. Rather than developing an entire list of goals for the week, Meg asked us to each compose a logic model for our respective Y's. These logic models will help us to continue to make progress in Chinatown and Hyde Park. They will be extremely beneficial when sitting down with perspective community partners. It will give them a better idea of what exactly we are trying to achieve at the Y. Knowing how competitive the five of us are with each other, Meg made the smart move in making this a competition. The two top logic models will attend the Celtics game on Wednesday. During the first half, the two "chosen ones" will be manning a Sport in Society table at the Garden. But, after halftime they will be able to watch the game. It will be interesting to see who wins. I have a feeling the boys want to go more than the girls, but do not put it pass Lucy to pull out the upset.

This week at Hyde Park will be a transition back into our capacity building work. Last week was school vacation week and Aubrey and I were given the responsibility of coming up with activities for the kids. After a long and tiring week, we are both ready to get back to the grind. Over at Chinatown, Frank and Lucy are getting used to their new schedule and running the PE program and after school program.

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