Mission Statement

Northeastern University co-op students will utilize the resources provided by the YMCA (Wang/Hyde Park) and Sport in Society to establish sustainable programs and partnerships with Boston Youth organizations in an effort to increase the collective impact on middle school youth.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Update

With the start of a new week at Sport in Society, let me inform you of some of the things going on lately. Last Wednesday, Lucy, Mitch, and I went to the Boston Teachers Union School to conduct Playworks' evaluations with Coach Brittany and her group of Playworks' Junior Coaches. The evaluation is an end of year evaluation intended to calculate the impact that the Junior Coaches Leadership Conference had on the school. The students filled out survey's, and also answered some questions we had about bullying in their school. The three of us were all incredibly impressed with the intelligence and maturity level of the children. They answered our questions with exceptional poise, and showed a conscious awareness of both the present and future. I will be conducting evaluations today and tomorrow as well, and I hope they go as well as the BTU one did!

Back in the office, last week had a prominent focus on social media. James and I presented our report the organization's social media presence for the rest of the staff. The staff provided some great follow-up suggestions for expanding our Facebook and Twitter presence, and we have made good progress on these so far. On Tuesday, Jarrod and I will meet with a social media specialist to get some more ideas.

So far today, I have mainly been working on designing a logo for our student group, "Huskies for Sport in Society." The student group is an excellent tool to expand our presence on campus, and raise the collective social awareness of the student body!

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