Mission Statement

Northeastern University co-op students will utilize the resources provided by the YMCA (Wang/Hyde Park) and Sport in Society to establish sustainable programs and partnerships with Boston Youth organizations in an effort to increase the collective impact on middle school youth.

Monday, June 13, 2011


The past few days at Sport in Society have been an absolute blast! On Thursday the other co-ops and I celebrated Frank's birthday by going to the Scooper Bowl for a post-lunch dessert. The Scooper Bowl is an event hosted by the Jimmy Fund outside of city hall. Since being started in 1983, the Scooper Bowl has raised more than $2.9 million for cancer research and care. This year there was a wide variety of exotic ice cream flavors that we were all eager to try. To find out more about the Jimmy Fund, visit their website.

On Friday, it was finally time for the Playworks' kickball tournament. On the Sport in Society team we had all five of the co-ops, Meghan, Dave, Justine Siegal, Nathan, and Rachel, with Jarrod providing moral support (he couldn't play because he had his baby with him). We started out the tournament strong, recording wins while not allowing a run in our first two games. In our third game we quickly fell behind, and our valiant comeback fell just two runs short. In the fourth game, we jumped ahead with a 6-0 lead, but could not hang on for the victory. Despite the less than ideal results, this was an amazing day, as it was a great opportunity to relax with the other co-ops and staff. At the end of the day, to show our appreciation for Meghan and the great way she has treated us, Frank and Aubrey dumped a bucket of ice water on top of her. This was hilarious, and it was a great conclusion to a tremendous afternoon.

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