Mission Statement

Northeastern University co-op students will utilize the resources provided by the YMCA (Wang/Hyde Park) and Sport in Society to establish sustainable programs and partnerships with Boston Youth organizations in an effort to increase the collective impact on middle school youth.

Friday, March 4, 2011

** White Ribbon Day**

This past Wednesday I was given the opportunity to help out the Men’s Initiative for Jane Doe Inc. at the Boston Celtics game with my fellow co-worker Kristen Blake. As we arrived early to the Garden, we were escorted past the Celtic players’ locker room and through the players’ tunnel onto the court. We got to see many of the players warm up and shoot around from an up close vantage point of roughly ten feet away; it was awesome. We then made our way to the Jane Doe table where we met Craig and his fellow employees. After a warm greeting we were tasked with stopping fans who passed by us, explaining to them our cause and distributing free white ribbon pins which symbolized the effort put forth by Jane Doe and the Boston Celtics to help end domestic violence. It was an incredible experience; I got to meet a ton of new people and got to experience how it feels to be on the opposite end of trying to approach people and getting them interested in our cause. We handed the white ribbon pins out during pregame and at halftime while fans were hustling around to get refreshments. It wasn’t all work and no play as Kristen and I were lucky enough to enjoy the game from the “Halo Level” seats which were on the suite level atop the Garden. The game, the view, the people and the whole experience was an amazing opportunity as we not only got to enjoy a Celtics game but also helped promote a very important cause.

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