Mission Statement

Northeastern University co-op students will utilize the resources provided by the YMCA (Wang/Hyde Park) and Sport in Society to establish sustainable programs and partnerships with Boston Youth organizations in an effort to increase the collective impact on middle school youth.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

BPS Science Fair

On Saturday March 5th Kristen, Ben, Frank and I all participated in The Boston Public School Science Fair, which was put on in part by STEM a great program that is right down the hall from us here in International Village at Northeastern. Both high school and middle school students from all areas of Boston participated in this event. Since judging for the high school participants takes longer, the middle schoolers had a good deal of free time between presenting their projects, being judged and having lunch. Due to the fact that many of the high schoolers tend to be anxious while being judged STEM wanted to provide an alternative activity for the younger students so that they would not be running around in the exhibit area, making the older students even more nervous. This is where my fellow SIS co-ops and I came in.
Our role was to supervise and implement physical activity time for the middle school participants. We were given two racquetball courts in Cabot and free reign over what games to set up. The first kids that joined us were a little hesitant to participate, especially since many of them were in dress clothes, but after we started up a few games they got really into it. One of the racquetball courts turned into a mini indoor soccer field with an intense game of soccer…although I’m not sure everyone knew who was on which team, it was a blast! In the other racquetball court we set up jump rope and four square, both popular choices among the kids. I even got a few tips from some of the students on how to improve my double dutch skills. It was a great experience in implementing sports games and activities as well as to meet more Boston students. In the end had around 75 kids join us to spend some time being active!

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